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9 - 25 - 10

 this 30,000-year-old Dream - is an imagining from another dimension of genetic-time 

as a symbolic-image-voicing a message 

from the domain of your very own primal Ancestors

 thanking you, for Surviving

. . . . .

In today’s reality, it is very unfortunate that

a person must learn to LIE, CHEAT, and STEAL

to behaviorally adapt to Business and Society


a person who is not subjugated

to these eternal struggles in this reality,

never has to lie or cheat


there is No One, to talk, too


These old potters hands have molded his dreams, into Clay

Will you share the helm, of his spiritual sailboat in the Bay?

As he draws circles in the sand, 

that will soon, wash Away . . . . .



9 - 23 - 08                      As the sun shines each day, I know he is walking with GOD

on a white Beach of Sand

with a Poem, 

I entrust, my deep longing for “theLove of my Mentor


I was so very fortunate, to learn the structure of beauty, from this wonderful Man

He gave to me his understanding of Life,

but his “House of Wisdom,”

I. . . . . could not, Enter

so, I wrote


“theEthics” of Honorable Intelligence 

a Philosophy, Poetry & Songbook

Dylan S. Stephens

Writer, Poet, Painter, Dreamer, and Philosopher


9 - 23 - 10  “theTruth” of Nature is just like a diamond, which has thousands of facets,

each is a micro-reflection

of your own 80-year Destiny. This book is just an eternal glimpse,

at your multi-dimensional Diamond;

YOU determine how many facets you can envision reflected at

you in the Mirror of Self-Enlightenment.

I was incredibly fortunate; that I obtained a cultured, and worldly education

before attending university.



For some, 


into the Mirror is true Reality


For Others, 


into the Mirror is always

a reflective Fantasy, Why ? . . . . .

For Good-Mental-Health

Talk . . . .to Your Self

Out Loud


Laugh out Loud


All of Your 

Persona's and Archetypes


Discuss Your Destiny 

with  YOU . . . . .

9 - 6 - 14

YOU must be aware of Human Beings of Destiny because

YOU might walk in their footsteps, for the rest of your Life


Meditation and Prayer are like taking a long trip on a boat or on a train because you just sit back and enjoy the panorama along “theWay.” In the emptiness of your mind, the silence of time, unseals ancient neuro-passageways beyond the joys of your heart and mind, which have been impenetrable for thousands of years by your ancestors.


I have kept this extraordinary consciousness silent, writing down this story of my own profound enlightenment titled,   The Circle of Mendicant Light.” 

The Circle of Mendicant Light.” 

I only trusted one other person with the dynamics of the meditation, sharing it with my best friend, the honorable late Dr. Mark Wisnefske. 

I dedicated this song, I wrote to Dr. Mark, "theOtherside" of a Candle wish he could have heard his tribute song he would have really smiled.

I have kept this extraordinary consciousness silent, originally, writing down just the dialog in each meeting with the Priest in this story of my own profound enlightenment titled,

“The Circle of Mendicant Light”

My own literary harmony of life is proudly revealed in the structure of all of my Poetry, Songs, and Books.

Dr. Mark Wisnesfske, a great Friend

I kept this story in total isolation until 2014. That was when I decided to have the story copy-written in my seventh book Beyond the Summit of the Principia of Immortality, a book expanding the magnitudes of Quantum Physics and the undiscovered history of Cosmology.

I was now a business-computer programmer or a young person who disentangles problems, so flow-charting Life and History were always my normal for college class notes, class logic, the professor’s wisdom or bias as the hidden intellect of the text was interconnected with arrows and flowcharts capturing the essence of time in history.


After these many worldly journeys, I undertook my own reflection of History, Art, Philosophy, Anthropology, and Science, awakening my individual discovery of perceived intuition, reductive logic, and conscious awareness of the psychectural engineered parameters of the Cosmic Enlightenment of “theSelf.”



The result was that I could only create flowcharts for every class-in-college with the structure of my professor’s lectures and associated inter-connections of data as class notes, and into a timeline of Human historical change.


This is how I began creating "Epigramicism" each enclosure of idea was written on a little yellow posted-note and they became a forest of ideas, which did define my Destiny of Life.

"The Journey 

to Touch 

the shrouded Passions 


your very own Soul 



The Destiny of Your LIFE"

I have found my GOD living in my heart, as a flaming spirit of my own life and wish not to advocate any other faith-related system in the world. I am not opposed to any man’s spiritual beliefs, but I do not want my books used to support any ideology, etiology, philosophy, politics or religion other than my own use in the book, which is earnestly stated. 

Courage Happens


There is NO Other Way

. . . . .

Wisdom Happens 


YOU find "theWay"

Some  people

"Breath to "Live"

Other  People

"Live to Breath"

When Your Destiny of "theSelf" envisions 

an Opportunity ! ! ! 

the eternal Knock,

it NEVER. . . . . ever, makes a Sound

this is why 


Accumulate Intuitive Self-Wisdom

to envision "theFuture"

Correctness,  Rightness,  Goodness 

Happiness  and  Joyfulness

have always been

the unrelenting 

Constructive Archetypal Forces

of the evolving DNA-RNA of HumanKind

 and now Humanity

The Journey of Existence

a single inanimate Hydrogen Atom exists;  as a LIFEless, inorganic entity at 30-million degrees in a quasar star, which exploded across the ends of space for millions of years on the Cosmic-Winds-of-Time. Drifting into the Earth’s atmosphere, this same Hydrogen Atom is bonded in a raindrop falling from a cloud; the water is collected and drank in a glass of water and was adopted into the living tissue of a Human Being.

Since the inanimate Hydrogen Atom is now an animate functioning living productive asset of the Life Biological Process was the Hydrogen Atom ever Inanimate? The only reason stars bond together is all Hydrogen Atoms are animate! The same inert nebular blueprint program, which united the stars and galaxies, also combines this same periodic table of elements into the 98.6 degrees Genetic Blueprinted Life's Biological Process.

If the Hydrogen Atom was inanimate without the Cosmic-Blueprint Bonding Program for Life; none of the other derived periodic elements would be Pre-Programmed-to-Bond into . . . . .  

            the Life Biological Process

Schrodinger's Cat 

paradox - 

Inanimate or Animate

If a P- Hydrogen Atom

loses an electron

to bond, into a Helium Atom

and does not,


it will then becomes,


N- Hydrogen Atom 

. . . . .


shrouding the ethereal 

Domain of Infrastructure,


bonding “theTruth!”


is a Cosmic-Quantuum Program 

to Obsessively, Investigate and Quantify 

the Origins of



"The Eternal - LIFE Program"

this itself is . . . . .

a Cosmic-Program to Discover 

its very own Original Creation

35,000 bce




How Your own

Shadow of Persona;

Watches and then, Follows 


Throughout Your Life

If You helped a Butterfly 

to get out. . . . . of its Cocoon 

It would not be able,

 to Fly 

because it needs 

the Struggle 

To strengthen its Wings 

For the Journey of Life

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